
Dr. Carsten Coors

Dr. Carsten Coors

Vetter Development Services Austria

Dr Rainer Gnibl

Dr Rainer Gnibl

GMP Inspector


Three prerequisites are needed to work out contracts which are legally and GMP compliant:
  • Awareness of the GMP requirements
  • Applicable legal and juristic knowledge
  • The practical perspective.
During this training course you will learn how to cover all these relevant aspects.


Not only caused by increasing contract manufacturing and analysis, every pharmaceutical company establishes business connexions with a number of manufacturers, suppliers and service providers worldwide. The regulating authorities call for correctly defined, agreed and controlled contracted services. The EU-GMP Guide and international legislation require a written contract between the partners which clearly establishes the duties and responsibilities of each party.
By compiling these contracts it is of extreme importance not only to meet the legal expectations. The company and the responsible persons need to be aware of their tasks and their liability. Not to mention that the contents should be easily transferable into the daily work and must be reduced to practice.
The speakers in this education course have substantial knowledge in the design and implementation of contracts in the pharmaceutical industry.

You will get first hand practical information.


This training course is designed for all personnel involved in the realisation of contracts. It also applies to decision makers and responsible persons who must implement the subject matters of the contract. The course is addressed to both the contract giver and the contract acceptor.

Date & Venue

Thursday, 06 March 2025, 09.00 – 17.15 h
(Registration and coffee 08.30 – 9.00 h)
Friday, 07 March 2025, 08.30 – 14.30 h

Doubletree by Hilton Vienna Schönbrunn
Schlossallee 8 | 1140 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 / 1 / 89110


Pharmaceutical Contracts: GMP and Legal Compliance

Gesamtes Programm als PDF herunterladen

GMP Requirements and Expectations of the Regulatory Authority
  • Outsourcing of activities
  • Which external activities require Technical/Quality Agreements?
  • Regulatory requirements and legal Basis
  • How to create a Technical/Quality Agreement
  • Is a Quality Agreement essential for QP and QA?
What QA needs to know about juristic Principles
  • Basic juristic knowledge for responsible functions
    - International laws and systems – how they work and fit together
    - Common Law vs. Civil Law
    - International business: which law applies in the contract?
  • Contract law
  • Responsibilities within the company (who is signing what)
  • What to do in the case of mergers and Acquisitions
  • Contracts with several entities within the same group of companies
  • Case studies
Different Agreements in pharmaceutical Industry
  • Confidentiality Agreements
  • Research and Development (F&E) Agreements
  • Master Service Agreements
  • Clinical Trial Agreements
  • Manufacturing and Supply Agreements
  • Technical/Quality Agreements
  • Distribution Agreements
  • Their structure and how they fit together within the supply chain
Pharmaceutical Contracts in the Light of Inspections
  • Frequent findings
  • Business contract vs. Technical/Quality Agreement
  • Table of Content
  • Clear responsibilities
  • Product life cycle and Technical/Quality Agreement
  • Internal contracts
  • Evaluation of a Technical Agreement (interactive session)
The GMP Technical Agreement/Quality Agreement
  • Who is involved
  • Helpful terms and Arrangements
  • Demands and challenges
  • Quality agreements during development
  • Economic limits
The Delineation of Pharmaceutical Responsibilities and the Mutually Agreed Specifications
  • Minimum Content
  • Who is involved?
  • Helpful terms and Arrangements
  • Perception and supervision of agreed responsibilities
  • Implementation of contractual obligations into company GMP system
Supply and Service Agreements: What You Need to Know
  • Practical aspects you need to consider when establishing contracts with
    - Suppliers of excipients and packaging materials
    - Service providers (e.g. clothing, pest control)
Interactive Session: Evaluation of Contract Examples and Cases
  • Principles
  • Structure
  • Content

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Teilnehmerstimmen - das sagen andere über unsere Seminare:

"Die Umsetzung mit Memberspot ist wirklich ausgezeichnet gelungen.
Es unterstützt die Wissensvermittlung und gewährleistet auch die richtige Durchführung des Kurses.”
Christian Wagener, WAGENER & CO. GmbH
GMP Basis-Einstiegsschulung (B 1) - Aufzeichnung Online Seminar, April 2024

„Kurzweilig, informativ“
Behrendt, Christian, IOI Oleo GmbH

„Austausch zwischen Teilnehmern & Vortragenden sorgt für Anstöße & Optimierungsmöglichkeiten im eigenen Unternehmen! Praxisnahe Beispiele veranschaulichen und vertiefen die Theorie sehr gut“
Marina Maier, CHEPLAPHARM Arzneimittel GmbH

Abweichungen und CAPA (QS 12)
November 2024

„Danke für das tolle und interessante Seminar! Ich nehme mir fachlich total viel mit und habe viele tolle Menschen kennengelernt.“
Melanie Schifferer, DAIICHI SANKYO EUROPE GmbH
Batch Record Review (QS 23)
September 2024

Guter, breit gefächerter Überblick mit interessanten Verknüpfungen zur Praxis,
welche die Theorie super veranschaulicht.”
Marina Kicoranovic, Labor Hartmann GmbH
GMP/Basis-Einstiegsschulung (B 14), September 2023

Die Referenten waren sehr gut! Sie haben sehr klar gesprochen, nur sehr wenige englische Begriffe
verwendet (super) und waren sehr praxisbezogen.”
Astrid Gießler, Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe
Live Online Seminar - Basiskurs Computervalidierung & Datenintegrität im GxP Umfeld (B 3), Juni 2023

Sehr guter Bezug zur Schulung für einen GMP-Anfänger. Habe mich sehr gut abgeholt gefühlt.”
Dr. Harald Werner, Infraserv GmbH & Co. Höchst KG
GMP-Basisschulung (B 1), Juni 2023

„Interessante Themen, gut vorgetragen, die eigenen Erfahrungen der Vortragenden helfen, dies noch besser nachzuvollziehen.“ „Gute Gestaltung der Workshops, das Zusammenarbeiten in Gruppen und der Austausch mit anderen hilft sehr.“
Manuela Seibert, Merck, GMP-Leadauditor/in (FA 2), April 2024


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