
GMP for Vaccine Manufacturers - Online Training Recording

Seminar-Nr. 21438


Dr. Robert Eskes

Dr. Robert Eskes

FAREVA Unterach

Robert G. Schwarz

Robert G. Schwarz


Dr. Andreas Neubert

Dr. Andreas Neubert

Klocke Holding

Dr. Jörg Weyermann

Dr. Jörg Weyermann

GSK Vaccines

Petra Falb

Petra Falb

AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and Food Ssafety

Dr. Volker Öppling

Dr. Volker Öppling


Dr. Frank Sielaff

Dr. Frank Sielaff

Hessisches Landesamt für Gesundheit und Pflege


The development and production of vaccines makes high demands on the manufacturing pharmaceutical industry. The special requirements on handling and safety with live organisms necessitate measures which exceed the requirements of classic pharmaceutical manufacturing.

Topics like the enhanced risk of cross-contaminations, questions about individual safety of staff and the issues of cleaning and disinfection of rooms and equipment concern a vaccine manufacturer in a considerable scale.

Specifically the demands of the necessary bio safety classes with negative pressure of rooms versus that of aseptic processing with positive pressure requires a well thought- out design of vaccine facilities.

Also, the safety of environment and waste disposal should receive proper attention already in the design phase. But the dedicated requirements on staff safety are also a challenge in vaccine manufacturing.

This Live Online Training will give you the possibility to see the theoretical background as well as the practical implementation of GMP requirements in the vaccine production. A combination of theoretical requirements and practical case studies is the best way to learn this.

Speakers from regulatory bodies, consulting and practising experts will give you the chance to get to know the different views and you will have ample opportunity to discuss with speakers and other participants about specific issues.


“Vaccines are expected to be very safe” is one of the headlines in the presentation of the CBER “Vaccine safety team”. At the same time, new vaccines are needed for diseases for which currently no vaccine is available, and production technologies need improvement to deal with the shortage of certain types of vaccines. This has led to the emergence of new technologies. One of the important questions from the authorities however is “How safe are the new technologies”. The FDA has issued a draft guideline on new cell substrates for vaccine manufacturing to detail requirements in this area.

In the development of new technologies for the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical production of vaccines again the question of GMP compliance and safety is emphasised.

Furthermore, with the Quality Initiative for the 21st Century from the FDA new guidelines have been issued, which have an impact not just on the conventional pharmaceutical industry but also on vaccine manufacturers. Risk management and quality in design are essential in the implementation of new technologies and the introduction of new vaccines. Ensuring the expected safety is one of the greatest challenges of all vaccine producers.


The Live Online Training is designed for personnel of pharmaceutical industries, their suppliers and regulatory bodies who
  • are responsible for quality control and/or Quality assurance in vaccine/biopharmaceutical production,
  • manage the vaccine production,
  • establish the operator protection,
  • audit vaccine manufacturers,
  • design or operate vaccine production sites.

Technical Details:

To participate in an on demand training course or webinar, you do not need any software. The recordings are made available via a streaming server. In general, the recording is provided in MP4 format, which any PC (Microsoft Windows, Apple IOS) or tablet can easily display.

Timing and Duration:
When you register for the on demand Training course or webinar you can decide at what date you want to follow the training course online. For a 1-day training course you will have 2 days in which the stream is available (for 2-day training course 3 days and for a 3-day training course 4 days). Within in this timeframe you can start & stop the stream according to your needs.
In time before the scheduled date (your desired date) you will receive an e-mail from us with a link for direct participation as well as your log-in data.

Please be aware: The recording does not include the Q & A sessions.

Training Course Documentation and Certificate:
The presentation will be made available as PDF-files via download during the online training course. After the successful completion of the online training, you are able to download the certificate of attendance.


GMP for Vaccines: What are the Issues?
  • Differences between vaccines and conventional products
  • Inactivated and live vaccines
  • Control of vaccine strains and cell lines
  • Risk of (cross-)contamination
  • (Bio)safety issues
The Peculiarities of Viral Vaccines
  • From viral seeds to finished products
  • Requirements for raw and starting materials
  • Efficient process and product control
  • Setting specifications adequately
  • Appropriate tests and assays for product release
  • Stability testing
  • Viral safety aspects
  • TSE compliance
  • How to deal with OOS results?
  • Requirements for early and late clinical trial phases
Modern Vaccines Part I
  • Vector vaccines
  • Plasmid-DNA vaccines
  • Related regulations
The Peculiarities of Bacterial Vaccines
  • Types of vaccines available
  • Manufacturing of classical/modern bacterial vaccines
  • Challenges in manufacturing  (quality/regulatory issues)
  • New technologies and products
cGMP Issues for Upstream Processing
  • General GMP concerns for upstream processing
  • Raw materials and media preparation
  • Cell culture
  • Virus culture
  • Inactivation of microorganisms
Containment, Biological Safety and Product Protection
  • Containment, product safety versus environmental safety
  • Primary containment and additional measures
  • Negative pressure areas in aseptic manufacturing
  • Decontamination of facilities
  • Personnel as critical component in Containment
Virus Inactivation and Virus Removal Techniques
  • Validation of decontamination procedures
  • Virus inactivation: principles and methods
  • Virus removal methods
  • GMP issues on virus inactivation and virus removal techniques
Validation of a Decontamination System for Production Equipment, Process Devices and Cleanrooms
  • Different gassing Systems
  • System qualification
  • Validation of a dry fog detergent
Modern Vaccines Part II – GMP Inspectors‘ View
  • Regulatory expectations
  • Classic vaccines
  • Aspects for modern vaccines, e.g. mRNA and proteinbased
  • Experiences from inspections
Case Study: Concept of Multipurpose Vaccine Production Facility
  • Practical issues with flow of material, personnel and waste material
  • Clean room qualification
  • Segregation of cell preparation, virus production and downstream processing
  • Change over procedures for manufacturing campaigns
Issues of Staff Safety
  • Requirements and guidelines
  • Differences vaccines products and plasma products
  • Use of  S3 Coveralls
  • Environmental health and safety challenges
  • Examples from daily Business
Case Study: Isolator Filling Line for Vaccines
  • Requirements of design
  • Issues of construction
  • Qualification challenges
cGMP Issues for Downstream Processing
  •  General GMP concerns for downstream processing
  •  (ultra)filtration techniques
  •  (ultra)centrifugation techniques
  •  Sterile filtration  and aseptic processing
Case Study: GMP Development and Manufacturing of Recombinant Viral Vaccines for Clinical Trials
  •  Regulatory expectations for vaccine batches for phase 1/2/3 clinical Trials
  •  Development vs. Validation
  •  Regulatory expectations for implementation of analytical methods – qualification and validation
  •  Contract manufacturing of IMPDs
Recording from 29/30 November 2023
Duration of Recording: 12h 3min

ECA-Member*: € 1690,-
Regular Fee*: € 1890,-
EU/GMP Inspectorates*: € 945,-
APIC Member Discount*: € 1790,-

Alle Preise zzgl. MwSt. Wichtige Hinweise zur Umsatzsteuer.

* auch unkompliziert per Kreditkarte bezahlbar
American Express Visa Mastercard

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"Die Umsetzung mit Memberspot ist wirklich ausgezeichnet gelungen.
Es unterstützt die Wissensvermittlung und gewährleistet auch die richtige Durchführung des Kurses.”
Christian Wagener, WAGENER & CO. GmbH
GMP Basis-Einstiegsschulung (B 1) - Aufzeichnung Online Seminar, April 2024

„Kurzweilig, informativ“
Behrendt, Christian, IOI Oleo GmbH

„Austausch zwischen Teilnehmern & Vortragenden sorgt für Anstöße & Optimierungsmöglichkeiten im eigenen Unternehmen! Praxisnahe Beispiele veranschaulichen und vertiefen die Theorie sehr gut“
Marina Maier, CHEPLAPHARM Arzneimittel GmbH

Abweichungen und CAPA (QS 12)
November 2024

„Danke für das tolle und interessante Seminar! Ich nehme mir fachlich total viel mit und habe viele tolle Menschen kennengelernt.“
Melanie Schifferer, DAIICHI SANKYO EUROPE GmbH
Batch Record Review (QS 23)
September 2024

Guter, breit gefächerter Überblick mit interessanten Verknüpfungen zur Praxis,
welche die Theorie super veranschaulicht.”
Marina Kicoranovic, Labor Hartmann GmbH
GMP/Basis-Einstiegsschulung (B 14), September 2023

Die Referenten waren sehr gut! Sie haben sehr klar gesprochen, nur sehr wenige englische Begriffe
verwendet (super) und waren sehr praxisbezogen.”
Astrid Gießler, Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe
Live Online Seminar - Basiskurs Computervalidierung & Datenintegrität im GxP Umfeld (B 3), Juni 2023

Sehr guter Bezug zur Schulung für einen GMP-Anfänger. Habe mich sehr gut abgeholt gefühlt.”
Dr. Harald Werner, Infraserv GmbH & Co. Höchst KG
GMP-Basisschulung (B 1), Juni 2023

„Interessante Themen, gut vorgetragen, die eigenen Erfahrungen der Vortragenden helfen, dies noch besser nachzuvollziehen.“ „Gute Gestaltung der Workshops, das Zusammenarbeiten in Gruppen und der Austausch mit anderen hilft sehr.“
Manuela Seibert, Merck, GMP-Leadauditor/in (FA 2), April 2024


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